2018년 5월 20일 일요일

游客 向往的 自由行

天, 地 , 人 完美 相融之地
天空, 海洋之美与静谧的济州岛 融为一体
用自己的亲身体验与详尽的解说, 来与您分享济州岛的名胜之美
尽享 "遇见您心中的济州岛", 同时为尊贵的客人提供优质服务,如乐享入场券折扣服
务, 以及为您介绍济州岛的传统美食店等
我们尽心为您服务, 让您安心乐享济州岛之旅。

Experience the unity with the Jeju Island of Beautiful Place where heaven, earth and human being are one.
Our Jeju Tourist Travel Agency has had various experience for 15 years.

And south east Asia professional tourist interpreter will satisfy you with 
rich experience and detailed description about beautiful sights of the Jeju Island

Also, we provide introduction of restaurants in Jeju Island in addition to discounting 
on sightseeing spot admission fee(10~25%) for your precious memories.

I hope for you to have a happy and safe Jeju trip.

Thank you for reading. (Please call me anytime)
WhatsApp +82 10 9878 6991

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